Saturday, April 18, 2009

Books, Books

One of the perks of being a writer/editor for a Christian ezine is you get lots of books to read. InterVarsity Press just sent me their fall season catalog inviting me to request one of their new titles for review. I'm tempted by:
Michael Card's upcoming book:
A Better Freedom; Finding Life as Slaves of Christ
Card explores the biblical principle imagery of discipleship. How the early chuch saw Greco-Roman slavery as a window into understanding Jesus as Savior and Master.

Baptism: Three Views
Cases for infant baptism, cases for believers' baptism, and mixed baptism

Patron Saints for Postmoderns
Portraits of 10 people from the past who translated the gospel for their own time.
Which would of the above would you pick?

1 comment:

  1. I'd choose "Baptism: Three Views" since I'm doing an assignment on making a case for believers baptism as opposed to infant baptism. I came across this in my research online, looking for specific words to make a point.

    God bless you in your work!
